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Clippership Connector

The half-mile Clippership Connector, named for the Boston built clipper ships once constructed on these shores, will form a critical link in a regional trail system reaching from the Mystic River to the Charles River and the northwestern suburbs. It will help knit together a city divided by the construction of Interstate 93 in the mid-20th century and make it possible for children to walk safely along the river to school and residents to walk to Medford Square.

Background: Despite being included in the 2010 DCR master plan for the Mystic River, it is doubtful that the Clippership Connector could have advanced without civic leadership in Medford and the work of the Mystic River Watershed Association to build the vision and begin design for the project. The DCR picked up where private partners left off to advance the project through design and construction. Numerous impediments including the I-93 highway, private encroachments, an active boat club, and contaminated soil had to be addressed before a final plan could be approved. The design locates a shared-use path along the river on state own land linking Clippership Drive at Medford Square to the McGlynn Middle School playing fields. In addition to extending the path along the river, the design provides an opportunity to restore riparian vegetation along the river’s edge.


2016Identified opportunity and formed coalition
2016Early planning, meetings with abutters
2017DCR accepts project and assigns manager
2017Crosby Schlesinger and Smallridge hired
2019Conservation Commission awards permit
2019Design work continues
2024Start of construction
2025Anticipated finish of construction

Project Details

  • 2015
Solomon and Barr Foundation Investments
  • $75,000
Partner Investments
  • $1,032,343
Estimated Cost to Complete
  • $1,500,000
Key Partners
  • Final designs presented to public summer 2019
  • Anticipate construction in 2021

Master map page

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